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ELDA BrainTech Ltd. (the "Company") that operates this website (the "Site") respects the privacy of every person who enters the website or browses it ("User"), whether the use is regular or occasional, and considers it of great importance in keeping her.

The purpose of this document is to define the terms of use of the website and the privacy policy presented below. This policy details the company's attitude to all privacy issues of the website users, including the information provided by the website users, the information collected about their practices on the website and the company's use of this information.



The User undertakes to use the website in good faith, subject to all laws, and in accordance with the instructions of these terms of use and the company's instructions upon entering the website, the user declares and undertakes that he will avoid any harm whatsoever to the company or any third parties through the use of the website.

Without detracting from the generality of the above, the User undertakes that he will not cause or contribute, either by behavior, act or omission (directly or indirectly) to any damage to the Company or third parties and that by using the website he will not violate any right of the company or third party as mentioned, including rights Contractual, proprietary, copyright, moral rights, quasi-proprietary rights, fiduciary duties, trade secrets, trademarks and patents. The User also undertakes that he will not misuse the website in any way and will not take actions that could harm the company or other users, including defamation, violation of privacy and making publications prohibited by law.
The User undertakes not to make changes or interfere in any way with the source code of the website or the information presented therein and not to upload any software or applications that may harm or cause damage to the company or any other third parties.

The right to use information on the website is for the User's personal and private use only. You may not make any commercial use of the information or for any profit purposes and the User is not allowed to allow any use of the information to third parties, either in return or not. It is clarified that the information published on the website may not be used for the purpose of displaying it on the Internet or any other service, without obtaining the company's consent to this in writing and in advance and subject to the terms of use. The User undertakes that he will not store information using different types of software or distribute information displayed on the site publicly commercially or in a commercial framework or for any other purpose. The site may not be presented in a different design or graphic interface than those determined by the company, except subject to obtaining its prior written consent. Do not display the site in a way that detracts in any way from the contents found on it.

The User undertakes to strictly guard the information and to take all necessary precautions to prevent its loss or its coming into the hands of others.

The User undertakes to inform the company immediately, of any fear of harm to users or third parties and of any existing or expected violation of the provisions of the law or these terms of use.

The Company will be entitled to take all the measures available to it according to law against a user who violated the terms of use as mentioned, including the transfer of his details to third parties, subject to any law.

Terms & Conditions

All rights in the content appearing on the website originating from the Company or anyone on its behalf, including copyrights, distribution rights and any other intellectual property, belong fully to the Company.

The content and information on the website, including software, code or other materials as well as the infrastructure used to transmit the content and information are the exclusive property of the Company.

The User may make personal use of the website only, and may not make any commercial use of the website or information.

The User undertakes not to publish the information or part of it on the Internet or in other media without prior written consent from the Company. The User also undertakes that he will not enter into contracts with third parties, in exchange or not, in relation to the information or part of it.
All the trademarks mentioned on the website, including the registered trademarks, product names and Company names or logos mentioned on the website are the exclusive property of the Company and are part of its intellectual property.

Any submission of information intended for publication on the website shall be considered in its submission for publication that the author owns the rights to it and is entitled to submit it for publication. By submitting the information for publication, this grants the Company a free, worldwide and time-limited license to copy, reproduce, distribute, market, give to the public and use such information at its discretion on the website and in any other or additional publication by the website management through any means of communication.



  • Not to modify, copy, reproduce, deliver, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, make available to the public, create derivative works, transfer, sell or resell any information, software, products, or services from the website.

  • Not to monitor or copy any content or information from the website using any automatic means or any manual processing for any purpose, without obtaining the Company's prior written approval.

  • Not to take any action which, in the Company's judgment, will cause, or may cause, an unreasonable load on the site or the site's infrastructure.

  • Not to change, translate, process, edit or reverse engineer any software used by the Company in connection with the website.

By entering the site, posting on it and using it, User undertakes:


  • Avoid using content that contains a threatening, blatant, racist or insulting character.

  • Avoid flooding forums with idle messages, spam and commercial messages.

  • Do not include in the uploaded content any material that constitutes a violation of privacy and/or intrusion into it, images without copyrights and copyright infringement of any work, infringement of trademarks and trade names, models, patents as well as infringement of any other rights of third parties, commercial wrongs and/or Violation of the right to goodwill, and/or violation of contractual rights and/or fiduciary duties to others and/or any other violation of any law.



The use of the site will be governed by the laws of the State of Israel and they alone.

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for anything and everything arising from this agreement or the website is in the competent courts in the Tel Aviv jurisdiction in Israel.

If the site management has transferred its rights on the site, or part of them, to a third party, the site management will be entitled to assign its rights as well - all or part of them, according to these terms of use.

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