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ELDA BrainTech's patented
Dual Array
EEG-fMRI Technology


Brain Activity Assessment 

In the complex neural orchestra that is the human brain, the activation of specific brain regions plays a pivotal role in governing everything from movement and sensation to emotion and cognition. This activation refers to the increased electrical activity in a particular area, usually triggered by stimuli or tasks. Using various technologies, scientists can visualize these 'hot spots' of activity, providing invaluable insights into brain functions and contributing to breakthroughs in fields ranging from neuroscience and psychology to medicine.


There are different assessment methods for brain activity, one of the most studied techniques is fMRI, which has a high spatial resolution, low temporal resolution and reflects both synchronized and non-synchronized neuronal activities. Another possibility to study brain connectivity is EEG. The strong sides of EEG are high temporal resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for synchronized neuronal activities. However, EEG has relatively low spatial resolution and some of the neuronal activities are invisible by EEG.

The combined recording of EEG and fMRI can compensate for the disadvantages of each technique taken separately. EEG-fMRI has been demonstrated as a promising tool for brain connectivity study.

Thus, the synergy of EEG-fMRI facilitates the exact pinpointing of brain activity corresponding to patterns discernible through EEG. To put it differently, the EEG identifies specific brain activities, and their precise locations are then accurately mapped out through fMRI images.

Patient with ELDA's EEG-fMRI CAP in an MRI scanner


Our system starts with our patent: Two arrays of EEG electrodes are organized in two sets of nearly orthogonally intersecting wire bundles.


The EEG is recorded using referential amplifiers inside a 3 Tesla MR-scanner. Virtual bipolar measurements are taken both along bundles (creating a small wire loop and therefore minimizing artifact) and across bundles (creating a large wire loop and therefore maximizing artifact).


Independent component analysis (ICA) is applied. The resulting ICA components are classified into brain signal and noise using our filtering algorithms.


The components which passed the filters set are transformed back to the channel space for downstream processing.

ELDA's EEG-fMRI prototype CAP


Informed Decisions

For neurologists and neurosurgeons, the stakes couldn't be higher when it comes to pinpointing the exact location of epileptic zones within the brain. That's why accurate data isn't just beneficial—it's imperative.


Our simultaneous EEG-fMRI technology is designed to provide a new gold standard of precision, empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions when it matters most. In the high-stakes world of neurosurgery and epilepsy management, we aim to offer not just data, but the key to life-altering interventions.

Doctorsexamining brain scan images

We developed a sophisticated automated pipeline to enhance the reliability and accuracy of neurological diagnostics.

Initially, the pipeline performs a rigorous cleaning process on both the EEG and fMRI signals acquired during simultaneous testing, thereby eliminating extraneous noise and artifacts.


Subsequently, these cleaned datasets are integrated and correlated to create a unified data profile. Abnormal electroencephalographic activities, such as epileptic spikes, are precisely localized and their spatial coordinates are mapped onto the corresponding Individual high-resolution anatomical images.


This process enables clinicians to have a more comprehensive understanding of brain activity, thereby facilitating highly accurate and data-driven decision-making in neurological interventions.


The efficacy of our automated pipeline is substantially enhanced by the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning methods.


These AI components are instrumental in continuously refining the cleaning, correlation, and localization processes, thereby augmenting the system's overall accuracy.


Additionally, the utilization of anonymized data, securely harvested from our operations, provides an invaluable resource for our Deep Learning algorithms. This facilitates ongoing research and improvement in the quality and depth of our diagnostic reports.


In essence, the power and promise of our technology lie inherently in the data.


Illustration for AI
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