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Precision meets AI-Power:

Informed Neurological Decisions



We’re Here to Set a New Gold Standard for Epilepsy Diagnosis 

Epilepsy, a brain disorder affecting over 50 million people worldwide, remains a significant health challenge. Over 30% of the patients do not respond to drug combination treatments (Drug-Resistant Epilepsy  - DRE)

A lack of comprehensive evaluation, leads to inability to offer treatments to epilepsy patients who do not respond to medications.

Not only are some people with epilepsy prevented from living normal lives, furthermore, the widespread prevalence puts a heavy burden on the health systems around the world.

ELDA BrainTech's mission is clear - To establish a new gold standard in epilepsy diagnosis. We have the power.

Colorful brain (AI generated image)

WHY ELDA BrainTech?

A Different Approach, Mapping Uncharted Neurological Territories

  • Clinically Validated Prototype- hundreds of patients screened

  • FDA Submission Strategy – validated

  • Patent Granted - in USA, IL and EU

  • Better sensitivity and specificity in 9/10 patients - more activity was detected compared to gold standard procedures

  • Non-Invasive - a patented MRI-compatible EEG Cap in Dual Array architecture

  • Simple and Accessible Solution - for thousands of Epilepsy clinical centers worldwide, equipped with MRI systems

  • Growth Stage – An active prototype is being used in a leading medical center and early adopters are showing keen interest

  • Breakthrough Data Science - AI based epileptic network 3D mapping

  • Experienced Executive Team and Preeminent Advisors from Israel & USA.


Accurate localization of epileptogenic zone based on simultaneous EEG-fMRI


Improved Quality

Improved SNR

Simultaneous recording of EEG and MRI has gained increasing popularity as it can compensate for the disadvantages of each technique taken separately. However, physiological and non-physiological motion interference are major challenges in simultaneous EEG-fMRI.

Our unique and patented MR compatible dual-array EEG is used both as a brain signal recorder and a motion sensor. The better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) achieved (compared to the known OBS procedure) offers an improved signal quality in EEG-fMRI recordings, expanding its clinical and research potential.

EEG patented CAP
Computer servers


Automated Pipeline

Applied Data Science

At the intersection of advanced technology and medical innovation, our automated pipeline and AI capabilities converge to redefine neurological diagnostics.


Our pipeline initiates with a meticulous data cleaning process for both EEG and fMRI signals, followed by their integration and correlation.


This foundation is crucial, but it's our AI-powered algorithms, leveraging Machine Learning methods, that refines each component of the pipeline, from data acquisition to localization of epileptic zones.


Furthermore, securely collected anonymized data fuels our Deep Learning models, enabling us to continually improve the quality of our diagnostic reports.


Combined EEG-fMRI

Comprehensive Report

In the highly specialized fields of neurology and neurosurgery, the margin for error is exceedingly slim, especially when it comes to identifying the exact locations of epileptic zones.


ELDA BrainTech's combined EEG-fMRI solution enables healthcare providers to isolate epileptic zones with unprecedented precision, thereby significantly improving the quality of both evaluation and diagnosis. This ensures that neurologists and neurosurgeons have the most reliable data at their fingertips, equipping them to make the most informed decisions possible.


With ELDA BrainTech's technology, better evaluation and diagnosis are not just aspirational goals; they are attainable realities.

EEG brain waves


ELDA BrainTech

Founded on the pressing need identified within a leading medical center, ELDA BrainTech has evolved into a premier solution for neurological diagnostics.

What began as an innovative idea has been methodically transformed into an advanced product and service by a diverse team of highly experienced individuals.


Backed by top scientists and neuroscientists from renowned medical centers, we have created a multidisciplinary powerhouse committed to advancing the field of neurology.


With the integration of our state-of-the-art technology and esteemed expertise, ELDA BrainTech is uniquely positioned to address the complex challenges of modern neurocare.

Our Industry Partners


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